arduino Archive
23 Oct 2015
Humming bear – how to lull a baby

Some time ago I spotted a ‘Humming Bear’ toy ( These are not only a nice bear for baby to hug but it can also generate many noises which helps our baby go to sleep. When my son had about 1-3 months we used white noise sound to calm him down and it worked perfectly.
21 Oct 2015
Jammer 433MHz – Arduino Mini Pro

Modules which allows you to communicate at 433MHz band are extremely cheap. Transceiver set you can get for under a 1$. Adding them up with Arduino Mini Pro (~4$) you can create wireless sensors for humidity, temperature and present them in any form you like. While working with those transceivers I wanted to check precisely
20 Oct 2015
Arduino – testing IPTV devices (STB).

We had over ~200 STB devices (Motorola, Zyxel, MAG-250) which came from network (some working, some had issues). It’s hard to have someone test them one by one to eliminate those which had problems from units which are ok. I created a simple ‘human’ simulator which generated infrared codes to STBs to simulate channel changes.